22 maj 2024
Emsense partners with Software Republique for an innovative mobile health care center
Emsense is a collaborative partner to Software Republique for the U1st Vision project - a decentralized, remote and mobile health care center, taking on the challenges of "medical deserts" to give access to healthcare virtually anywhere in the world.
U1st vision health pop uses the latest innovative technology to allow close to 85% of medical tests to be completed in situ. Advanced AI analysis and interconnectivity enables the rapid presentation of results, allowing doctors and specialists to make medically precise and efficient diagnosis.
The Software République is defined as an open innovation ecosystem dedicated to intelligent, secure, and sustainable mobility. It was created in April 2021 by six founding members: Dassault Systèmes, Eviden, Orange, Renault Group, STMicroelectronics and Thales.
For more information: softwarerepublique.eu/en/u1st-vision/